Monday, November 29, 2010

Charles Manson

I always like listening to people who clearly have no respect for society. Their backwards way of thinking is interesting to me, not that i agree with it, but there's something captivating about it. Take this clip of Charles Manson for example:

Weird huh?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Life In Reverse

Heres a couple guys living the dream! Driving from Edmonton to Tofino, then down the coast to Nicaragua, these guys are setting out into the unknown with the sole purpose of getting in as much time surfing as they can. Episode 2 is now out and I gotta say im hooked. Seriously if you have a chance to check this out, do it. Ive put up the first two episodes, and the link to their site so you can follow new episodes as they come out.

Life in Reverse - Episode 1 "Reverse Beginnings" from on Vimeo.

Life In Reverse - Episode 2 "Crossing Boarders" from on Vimeo.

Man I hope I can make a trip like this happen one of the days!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Last Minutes

This is why I want a dog of my own, I know i can't afford one or give it the times it deserves, but I can't wait til I do. Look at this, its so sad but inspirational! Its amazing how unconditional a dogs love is. No matter what theyre always there, they read you better than you read yourself, but theres no judgment either, just understanding, a shoulder to lean on.

Last Minutes with ODEN from phos pictures on Vimeo.

My dog, which isnt really my dog, but my families dog, is getting old. Shes got a grey patch on her head now. Im gonna miss her when shes gone.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Look On the Brightside

Voleurz released their new promotional video "Look On The Bright Side". If you havnt had a chance to check it out, here it is. Can't say im a huge fan of the production that went into the skateboarding section of the movie, but the rest is amazing! These guys look like theyre having the time of their lives and theyve managed to bring together so many sports under one team.

Tried to embed it but apppppaaarently i don't have permission. Here's the link though:

Click here.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Way Back Home

Here's a video that just came up on vimeo. Cant say im easily impressed with trials (i can appreciate its difficult, im just indifferent to the sport) but this clip is pretty well made with some pretty good locations. Check it out

Press Pause

Another surfing post. I really like this clip, love the choice of music and the editing. Awesome buildup that starts off somewhat nostalgic and serene then gets heavy and energetic. The latter part reminds reminds me of mission impossible.

PRESS PAUSE from ian MOURIER on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Got The Fever

Here's a clip of Good Will Hunting that i've always enjoyed. Im a big fan of sardonic wit, not to mention this is probably the best slippery slope of all time:

And completely unrelated, a video I found a while ago from a rapper called Mayhem Lauren. The rest of his stuff is alright ... but this one is so mellow and old school, reminiscent of Gang Starr. Check it out.


Blood Money

Alright last one for a couple hours right now. This video is kind of sad, but it puts into perspective some of the lengths people will go to for "easy money." Watch it and try to forget about it, I guarantee you won't be able to. Remember kids, money isn't everything:

Your Lucky Day from Dan on Vimeo.

And speaking of easy money, here's an awesome animated short poking fun at north american society:

Logorama from Marc Altshuler - Human Music on Vimeo.

Your Lucky Day from Dan on Vimeo.

Let me know what you think of these!

Surf's Up

Alright, I feel like I have so much I want to get on this blog already:

Here's a clip from the O'Neil Cold Water Classic 2009 dvd on Tofino. It reminds me of how much I love the place, I cant wait to get back!

O'Neill Cold Water Classic Canada 2010 - Tofino from world of freesports on Vimeo.

Blood Guts and Pussy

Alright here we go! I decided to start a blog to bring together all of the elements that shape my days, weeks, months, etc. Each day I'm bombarded with ridiculous amounts of visual and auditory senses, many of which are garbage, but also many that make me reflect and daydream about how differently people live their lives. The picture above may at first seem objectionable to most, but there's also a story behind it. Moral of the story: don't judge a book by its cover.

Scrapertown from California is a place. on Vimeo.

Most of the posts made will be meant to form a compilation of my taste in sports, art and music. Some of the content will be new, and some will be old, some humurous, and some serious.

California Is A Place has several awesome shorts on Vimeo so check them out.

Here's another one of their pieces offering a perspective on the US/Mexican border:

Borderland from California is a place. on Vimeo.

Cheers, keep tuned!
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